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Benefits for Members

Indo Algeria Economic Cooperation Council (IAECC) is a non-profit organization established under a private initiative. The main objective of establishing the Council is to develop closer economic and commercial relations between India and Algeria. IAECC wishes to bring the commercial establishments and business houses of the two countries together to work for enhancement of bilateral trade and raise the level of the two countries economic cooperation in keeping with the understanding and friendship that exists between them.

By being members of the Council, businesses in India and Algeria would benefit from a host of services and its various activities:

  1. Promote Business: The most important aspect of IAECC’s membership is to convey to the Government of India views of Indian and Algerian companies on how to do and promote business between the two countries. Companies’ representations and views, duly analyzed and collated by the Council, are taken up with the authorities, with the Council adding its support and endorsement wherever required.
  2. Networking: The Council, through its contacts with sister chambers and business houses in India and Algeria, helps its members to diversify contacts and assist them in getting to know companies of their interest in both countries.
  3. Seminars: IAECC holds seminars on India Algeria trade relations to which speakers and those involved in trade and industry, both Indian and Algerian, are invited to interact with their counterparts. The Council also mobilizes businessmen from India for visits to Algeria and meet Algerian representatives from industry and trade. The Council also strives to assist its members to participate in seminars, symposia, conferences, exhibitions, consultations and meetings of representatives of business circles and at other similar events in order to establish and improve business collaborations.
  4. Delegations: The Council regularly hosts Algerian business delegations and visitors to which members are invited for interaction to enable them to explore opportunities for cooperation.
  5. Business Queries: The Council is in regular contact with the Trade Representation of Algeria in India which regularly sends it important business queries. These are in turn circulated to the members. Besides providing a dedicated mechanism for building closer business partnership between companies of India and Algeria, the Council renders to its members help by way of expert advice and assistance to organize interaction with concerned authorities and relevant individuals for development of mutually beneficial cooperation between the parties.
  6. Liaison with Economic Ministries: The Council maintains close liaison with economic ministries in India, other Chambers of Commerce, export promotion councils and a cross section of interested Indian business and industrial houses. At the Algerian end, the Council pays special attention to developing business ties with the regions and in fostering links with parallel organizations in order to keep Algerian partners well informed about the Indian market and opportunities.
  7. Information about the Business Practices: IAECC offers an ideal opportunity for obtaining information about the business practices in India, Indian rules and regulations and Indian companies. It could also help obtain expert advice and proper guidance in connection with trade disputes and issues relating to the development of business. The Council also facilitates meetings with Indian authorities and interactions with the business houses
  8. Other Support Activities: IAECC may also assist members by writing recommendatory letters to the Algerian Embassy in New Delhi for issuance of visas. Other services rendered by the Council include provision of venue for holding meetings with visiting Algerian counterparts. The Council can also help provide information on the commercial standing of Indian companies.